Wednesday, January 4, 2012

That was a first for me

I have cursed. I have yelled. I have even collapsed but today my workout brought me to tears. Not tears of pain or frusturation but tears I cannot explain. I have been working out the last year and it finally happened today. So strange but I was reading perfectly normal.

It was supposed to be a rest day but I decided to do UFC Trainer and Zumba. Only a hour 50 minute work out but it killed my legs. I am doing this. Slowly but surely I am going to get where I deserve to be.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1 of this next year of journeys

I start my journey over every year. I just want to make sure I can stay on track. Yes I keep all my progress from the previous year but I want a fresh start like all other people. I just know what I am doing already.

So how did I come up with my number? You may have wondered. I never had a doctor care about my weight loss before. When she saw my number get down to 180 she was elated. She then told me I needed to get down to healthy BMI. We estimated this would be 140. We both know this will be a journey that will take at least another year and that is a challenge I am willing to accept. It is a journey not a race. I want to learn to do this right because I never want to see the number 200 again.

As of today my husband joined me too. We are going to do Biggest Loser and UFC training. I will also do Zumba and throw in some walking. We are becoming healthier as a couple. I am so proud of him for deciding to step in with me. He is an incredible man and I want him to live forever.

Welcome 2012. 2011 was very kind to me. Now make my dreams come true. I will see single pants size digits if it kills me. I can and will succeed. I am no longer a failure.

Monday, January 2, 2012

1 year into my Journey

Rome wasn't built in a day and I know that I won't be skinny in a year.
This is a realization. I have far exceeded my expectations from last year. My goal was to be at 200. I hit that mark and more. As of today I am not at my lowest. But honestly with the holidays that is expected. I kept my clothes for memories of the day I decided to start my journey. I wanted a page I could always turn back too. I put them on today just for fun and this was the result.

1 year. 60 lbs. I am pretty damn proud of me. I now have 40 more pounds until I hit my doctors goal. My husband is joining me. I am very excited for him to experience all I have this year. I cannot wait for him to become healthier for the kids and me. I am proud of he is going to do. We can do this. I know we can.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Almost a year later

As I sit here tonight listening to my kids argue and the husband snore away, I realize that this time last year I made a conscience effort to lose the former me. I never dreamed that night I would be below 200. I never dreamed I would have better blood work. I never dreamed I would miss dieting. As of today I have lost 60 lbs. Yes I have lost more but gained a bit back due to holidays. But that is okay my body needed a shock treatment. This year I will be joining the Y with my family. We will all work out and become stronger and healthier. We will all be the best we can be. My dear blog readers if you are still there, if you can dream it you can acheive it.

My doctor and I agreed on a final weight. We both agree that 140 is a good number to reach. That will leave me at a BMI of 25. I will be proud of myself. So off to go on my new adventure. Tomorrow I will take a picture of myself in my before clothes. I am so proud of who I am becoming. Slowly but surely I am turning into that Skinny new me. Happy 2012 everyone and thank you 2011 for showing me I could do it.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A new year, a new bmi

My whole life I have been obese. I knew it too. My heart would ache at the stares and rude comments. However I never saw myself as obese. Today my dream came true. I have been doing Zumba 2 on the wii for the past 2 weeks and the weight is just melting off.This morning at my weigh in I jumped on the scale. Imagine my surprise when I heard a new sound. I glanced up and it said Overweight. What? No way! That was my goal for next year. I got off again and it said the same thing. So my friends I am just overweight. I know I will never get to normal but that is okay. I am doing strong and I am succeeding. Almost one year into this and I am rocking it. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I am very very blessed so far.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Goal Reached

My goal for before thanksgiving was 178. Today I hit it at 177.5! I am so thrilled. I have been doing Zumba 2 now for almost a week and it really does work. I love it! I am so happy right now. I may get down to 170 before the end of the year!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Another Milestone, another victory

I knew these past 2 weeks I had to step it up. I prayed and prayed. Then I started a new workout routine. And wallah here I am. Today I see a new number. A number I never dreamed of. I stand here in front of you at 179.8. Granted I have cried while working out and pushed myself farther and harder this month then I ever have. I have sacrificed. I have screamed, I have hurt and I have bitched. But let's be honest the rewards far outweigh the negatives. I am a stronger woman then I was. I am a rock. I am evolving into something incredible. For this I am thankful. I am a force to be reckoned with and watch and see come 2012 I will be at my first main goal 175 and I will continue to go.